The Pie Thief [Game]

You have heard the story by now, I’m sure? The tale of the evil cat, stealer of pies, wrecker of economies and disturber of sleep! If poor Cat would have known…

– Cat
  • Team Size: 1
  • My role: Writer, Designer, 2D Artist, Programmer

The game follows the main character called Mojo, who is a new resident in a tiny forest town. One day, Mojo wakes up to the ruckus that the Cat has stolen a pie from the baker, Mouse. Since the two are always in a feud, the theft has resulted in Cat being put in prison, as punishment for potentially ruining the Mayor’s return. Now it is up to Mojo to talk to witnesses and get both sides of the story, to figure out the truth. Taking inspiration from the likes of Ace Attorney, the writing is lighthearted and comical and the game concludes in a showdown of evidence vs criminal.

A solo project made for a school assignment during a few weeks in 2020. The game is made in Deig, which operates through script-based programming. I decided to challenge myself and make an attempt to finalize all 15 minutes of expected gameplay with assets created only by myself. This resulted in five unique characters, four locations and a three arc narrative structure concluding the story.

An excerpt from the script can be accessed in my writing samples: