Hi! I’m Sandra. Narrative designer/writer/researcher/cat lover, as you might have surmised from the Home page.

I am currently finalizing my master’s in game development with focus on UX and Digital Narration, after having concluded three years of education about Game writing/Narrative design.

Writing this, it’s easy to get caught up in big words to describe oneself. Passionate, hard-working, creative, responsible, perhaps even a bit fun sometimes.

In the end, I just want to write.  For the past twenty years now I’ve been dipping my toes into everything from lighthearted comedy to stories depicting darker themes. Book manuscripts, interactive narratives in all their shapes and forms, scriptwriting, short stories of varying styles and genres. T I’ll write anything! It’s neat.

Other things I like tinkering with? Designing. Designing in a way that tells a story with as few words as possible. Creating something I’m proud of. Communicating with others and finding meaning. Cats. Those things are also pretty neat.

Once I step away from the keyboard, you might find me dissecting pop culture, cleaning while listening to true crime and inadvertently scaring myself or torturing my electric mixer with yet another batch of bread. Other than that, I work part-time as a cat couch.

If you want to read about me professionally, feel free to take a look at my CV.


If you want to talk about why Bloodborne is one of the best narratively designed games ever created, or convince me that The Hobbit actually was a good trilogy, you are very welcome to do so. If you have any exciting bread recipes, send them my way as well. Want me to write something? I am your gal.

Email me at: sandra.alexandersson93@gmail.com